The Biomimicry Confluence

A two-day conference where nature-inspired ideas,
innovations and innovators flow together.

Dates: 30th and 31st of October 2024.

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Confluence Brochure
Purchase Ticket ($79 USD)




Where Biomimics Flow Together

Our collective value multiplies where we overlap.

The Confluence is designed to (re)connect the global biomimicry community where biomimics, practitioners and experts from around the world can come together to learn, exchange ideas, share experiences and celebrate success stories.



Knowledge Sharing

Exchange ideas, experiences and practices 

Inspiring Examples

Success stories from startups

Designed to be digital

Accessible anywhere,
from any device


Facilitate long-lasting connection 

Purchase a One Day Only Ticket ($48 USD)

How the Confluence Works

An overview of what to expect

The Confluence Platform

From in-depth handbooks, templates to recorded sessions. Dive even deeper into biomimicry.

Introduction to Biomimicry Handbook
The Biomimicry Life's Principles Short Course
The three seeds of biomimicry

The Biomimicry Global Network

45 exceptional biomimicry networks
more than 1176 passionate participants
across 36 countries

Made with Padlet

Frequently Asked Questions

Download the
Biomimicry Confluence Brochure

Learn more about this biomimicry event in our brochure

Let's Flow Together

Purchase a One Day Only Ticket ($48 USD)