50 of the World's Best Biomimicry Examples (so far)

Jan 01, 2025

Hi Biomimics

Below is a list of our top 50 innovations inspired by nature. Each nature-based solution has been implemented as a business or a biomimicry invention / is a biomimetics example.

The criteria involved an extensive mapping of each biomimicry example, how it meets the Biomimicry Life's P...

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10 Innovative Biomimicry Business Examples

Dec 18, 2024

Hi there, Change Makers

Below is a list of 10 innovations inspired by nature. Each solution has an emerging biomimicry-based business. We look forward to seeing how they grow and evolve over time. 

Huge thanks to the Biomimicry Institute for providing information on each company. 

Without further...

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eBook: A Field Guide to Biomimicry

50% Complete