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5 Biomimicry Videos (That Are Under 10 min)

1. You want to learn. 2. You're short on time. If these two statements are true for you, you've come to the right place. Challenge accepted!

Below, we share five biomimicry-related presentations that will inform, inspire and enrich your biomimicry knowledge. From Ted Talks to Youtube videos - all shorter than 10 minutes. 

Ready to learn more? Start with the basics. Get 50% off the Biomimicry Short Course set! Learn what biomimicry is, how it works, and how you can apply it through in-depth videos and handbooks. Valid until 28 February 2025. 
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1. The Secrets of Nature's Grossest Creatures, Channelled Into Robots

Are cockroaches really just the creepy critters most people fear? Robert Full, a biomechanic researcher, shares some fascinating insights into the abilities of this insect, and how it can be applied to robotics. Cockroaches can manoeuvre their bodies through the tiniest spaces, withstand enormous impact without getting harmed and invert their direction of movement in milliseconds. This might be useful for robotics operating in tough terrain, like assisting in search and rescue missions after a natural disaster, for example.

Speaker: Robert Full
Industry: Robotics 
Watch time: 5 min 


2. How Butterflies Self-Medicate 

After years of research, biologist Jaap de Roode made an unusual discovery about monarch butterflies. They strongly prefer laying their eggs on plants that have medicinal properties, and which can prevent diseases in their offspring, even if it cannot treat any diseases in the adults. This discovery, especially information about the plant species the butterflies choose, might lead to great advancement in human medicine and disease prevention. 

Speaker: Jaap de Roode
Industry: Medicine 
Watch time: 6 min 


3. Are Insect Brains the Secret to Great AI?

Neuroscientist Francis Chance shows her research on the brains of insects, including dragonflies, and how their neurons compute strategies like hunting prey. They have impeccable intercepting skills, and can predict how their prey will move.

She suggests how we might learn from their brain activity to improve AI. Other insects, like dung beetles and ants, have remarkable brain functionality too. Smart devices like GPS systems could be inspired by the brains of dung beetles that know how to navigate the most efficient way of getting home. 

Speaker: Francis S Chance
Industry: AI 
Watch time: 10 min 


4. Hendrik Marius Jonkers - Self-healing Concrete Containing Bacteria

What can we learn from bacteria? Hendrik Marius Jonkers, a Dutch microbiologist at the University of Delft, discovered a bacteria that lives in stone and can survive for hundreds of years. They feed on calcium lactate, and then produce and release limestone. In his concrete, the bacteria and their food is mixed into the product to create an innovative, “self-healing” concrete.

Lying dormant, the bacteria will become active again if they come in contact with moisture, for example, when cracks occur in the concrete. They will then start feeding, and secrete limestone, effectively filling the cracks thus repairing it from the inside. 

Presented by: The European Patent Office 
Industry: Construction 
Watch time: 5 min

5. What is the Circular Economy? 

The Circular Economy, inspired by the closed loop cycles in nature where nothing is wasted, is implemented and practiced by various businesses in the world. Elizabeth Schulze at CNBC explains what it is, how it’s different from a linear economy and why it’s much, much more life friendly. 

Presented by: CNBC International
Industry: Economy/Business 
Watch time: 4 min 


Loved watching these? Great! We have so much more to share. To receive 5x more biomimicry videos that are under 10 minutes, sign up below.


A Longer Watch: Videos Under 20 min 

If you're interested in something that's a slightly longer watch (but still shorter than an episode of your nightly sit-com!) give these five presentations a go: 

1. Hybrid Thinking: 4 Approaches to Guide Us Through the 21st Century 

Neurologist Arndt Pechstein shares four mindsets or thinking approaches humans might use to navigate a changing and increasingly complex world, including biomimicry. 

Speaker: Arndt Pechstein
Industry: Neurology 
Watch time: 17 min

Watch it here.

2. Design at the Intersection of Technology and Biology 

Architect Neri Oxman is at the forefront of combining computational design, 3D printing, materials science and biology to create designs that combine microorganisms, human biology, and architectural technology.

Speaker: Neri Oxman
Industry: Design 
Watch time: 17 min

Watch it here.

3. Creating a Bio-Industrial Revolution

Biologist and biomimicry legend Janine Benyus shares the fundamentals of how nature can inspire industrial manufacturing. This might be valuable to pass on to someone who is not yet be familiar with what biomimicry is.

Speaker: Janine Benyus
Industry: Innovation through biomimicry 
Watch time: 19 min 

Watch it here.

4. Biomimicry: A Regenerative Paradigm 

Architect Michael Pawlyn proposes a paradigm shift in favour of regenerative design as a means to combat climate change. He showcases design examples and case studies.

Speaker: Michael Pawlyn 
Industry: Design 
Watch time: 19 min 

Watch it here. 

5. Applying the Principles of Biomimicry to Business

German finance guru Wiebke Liu shares ways to apply Biomimicry Thinking to the corporate world, sharing her vision for value chains inspired by nature towards a regenerative future. She highlights the need for closed-loop, zero-waste processes and industries.  

Speaker: Wiebke Liu
Industry: Business 
Watch time: 11 min 

Watch it here.

Looking for even more ways to learn biomimicry quickly and easily?

Dive deeper into biomimicry with this free biomimicry eBook. Click here to download your free copy

You can also explore our Biomimicry Short Courses, where you'll get practical knowledge of how to apply biomimicry to your own design, get a Learn Biomimicry certificate which is recognised globally (and endorsed by the Biomimicry Institute), and so much more. 

Our eBooks and courses can be applied to any context, from leadership lessons to product design. Our learners include architects, business founders, designers, teachers and sustainability consultants.


eBook: A Field Guide to Biomimicry

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