Educator Programme

Integrate biomimicry into your career, courses and life.  Purpose-built for Educators, this course will empower you to create learning experiences that shift mindsets and behaviours, and solve real-world problems.

Course Brochure

Programme fee: $2799
The next cohort starts the 10th of September 2024

Biomimicry Course Educator - Effort

20 hours per month

Biomimicry Course Educator - Length

6 months (part-time)

Biomimicry Course Educator Certificate


Think Outside (the box)

In the spirit of innovation, we’ve adopted a refreshing approach to traditional education. Join a bespoke project-based learning journey that expertly guides you on how to bring your own content to life in your unique educational context.

Is This Course For You? 

The nature of this programme is different. Our structure, the projects, the type of learning, the level of curiosity, the network, the act of doing rather than memorising, the support, and peer to peer learning environment. It guarantees a remarkably effective way to make learning happen

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Launch your own content

For radical educators who want to enable their students to discover the genius of nature and solve current, real-world problems, our product is a transformational mentored practical programme that equips you with the skills to deeply understand and integrate the practice of biomimicry into your own context or classroom.

Course Overview

Biomimicry Educator Course overview
Biomimicry Educator Course Structure

Designed to Fit into Your Life

About the Certificate

Earn your stripes to receive the Biomimicry Educator Certificate - certified by Learn Biomimicry and endorsed by the Biomimicry Institute.

Assessment is continuous and based on a practical assignment that you complete online. To be issued with the Certificate, you’ll need to meet the requirements that are outlined in the programme summary which is made available to you when you enrol.

Biomimicry Institute Course Certified

Join the Communitree

A network of lifelong and life-wide learners and practitioners, sharing their knowledge and expertise to ensure your ability to apply and practice biomimicry doesn't end after 6 months.

Download the Biomimicry Educator Programme Course Brochure

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